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Mystery Blogger Award #4

Thank you, James A. Best-Author for nominating me for the Mystery Blogger Award.

James has a passion for writing and reading. He has authored several books that you can check out on his blog.

The Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates.

They are one of the best out there and they deserve every recognition they get. This Award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion. Creator – Okoto Enigma.

Here Are The Guidelines:

  1. Put the award logo on your blog.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  3. Mention the creator of the Award. The creator of this award is- Okoto Enigma.
  4. Answer the five questions you were asked.
  5. Tell the readers Three things about yourself.
  6. Nominate ten to twenty bloggers.
  7. Notify the Bloggers that you Nominated by commenting on their posts.
  8. Ask your Nominees five questions with one weird or funny one.
  9. Share a link to your best posts.

Three things about me

  1. I like to stay away from any form of competition.
  2. I enjoy a strong cup of coffee every morning.
  3. I used to fast every Thursday. With so many things happening all over the world I will return to my Thursday fasting. The good in this world need to prevail.

Questions from James

  1. What inspires you every day?
  2. Who do think will out smart the other; The Coyote or the Roadrunner?
  3. What old or new hobby have you done since Covid-19?
  4. How long have you been blogging?
  5. What is your favorite thing to write on your blog?

Answers to my questions

  1. Knowing that God loves and cares about me is my inspiration every day.
  2. The Roadrunner. I use to love the cartoon.
  3. I learned how to publish an e-book on Kindle Direct Publishing.
  4. I have been blogging for the past six years.
  5. I like to share whatever the Lord rests on my heart to my readers.

Some of my best posts

  1. Unmasking COVID-19
  2. Harm not the Oil and Wine
  3. These are the days of Jeremiah
  4. Help! I made my bed in hell (part one)

My nominees if they wish to participate

Rehana’s My Experience

Windows from heaven

Praise adesina

Amazing Grace

Questions to my nominees

  1. How long have you been blogging ?
  2. What is your favorite thing to write on your blog ?
  3. What old or new hobby have you done since Covid-19
  4. Have you wtitten a book? If yes tell us about it.
  5. Which cartoon is your favorite?

Congratulations to the nominees and may you have a blessed week in the Lord.

Thank you for reading.



  1. Congrats Beverley! Fasting is a powerful addition to our prayer lives. I was doing it on Tuesdays. You’re reminding me I need to get back to that. 🙏🏿

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello Beverley I really like your answers as I know your heart and soul belongs to God and His Son, Jesus Christ and The Holy Ghost. Keep up with your Thursday Fasting it does work. Thank you for taking part in this Award !

    Liked by 1 person

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