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Mystery Blogger Award # 3

I want to thank Alicia – For His Purpose for nominating me for the Mystery Blogger Award.

This is my third time receiving this award. The awards have been coming so frequently that I assigned Saturdays to reply to them.

I like to participate in these awards because they give me an opportunity to share more about myself.

I have also met a lot wonderful people through these awards.

The blogger awards are fun ways to help you meet bloggers and learn about each others.

You will also learn about different cultures through this medium.

Alecia shares about her life experience and her passion for the Lord. She is a talented photographer and artist.

Please visit her blog and enjoy.

Here are the guidelines…

• Put the award logo on your blog

• Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog

• Mention the creator of the award
The creator of this award is..Okoto Enigma

• Answer the five questions you were asked

• Tell the readers three things about yourself

• Nominate ten to twenty bloggers

• Notify the bloggers that you nominated them by commenting on one of their posts

• Ask your nominees five questions with one weird or funny one

• Share a link to your best posts

Three things about myself

  1. Since this pandemic crisis began I cannot help feeling that we are been scammed out of our hard working money by the merchants.
  2. I prefer to listen to the alternative news media than mainstream news media.
  3. My main prayer is that the Lord returns quickly to save us from ourselves.

Three of my favorite posts

  1. Celebrating and supporting our fellow Authors.
  2. Introducing Harm Not The Oil and Wine e-Book
  3. Anxiety or COVID-19

Questions from Alecia

  • Why do you write?

I write because I enjoy it and it helps me to release my emotions.

  • How long have you blogged with WordPress?

I have been blogging for the past six years.

  • How often do you post blogs?

I published a blog post at least four times per week.

  • Funny ?: What makes you laugh?

A good joke makes me laugh. I enjoyed writing jokes for Fun Friday.

Three of my favorite jokes are: How to attract people to your church; Inside a little girl’s heart; No excuse Sunday.

  • Weird ?: Are you a night owl or a morning person?

I am neither. I like to sleep late and I like to go to bed early.

Alicia wrote Philippians 4:13 at the end of her post and it reads. 

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

I wish to nominate all of my fellow bloggers.

If you choose to participate you can answer answer the same questions that were given to me,

Thank you for reading and participating.



    • Thank you and God bless you my dear. I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Blogging Award. It will be posted on Saturday 23, 2020 at 4pm (Eastern time). The post will link to your blog. Have a great day.


  1. Hello Beverley I have Nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award. This is posted to my page already this morning. I hope you will take part in this Award. Congratulations on this one from Alicia !

    Liked by 1 person

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